In this post, we will talk about 5 bite size projects using Terraform & Azure for provisioning unique Azure resources through Terraform.

Project 1: Basic Virtual Network

  • Requirement: Create a fundamental virtual network (VNet) and a single subnet within it.
  • Summary: Establishes the core networking foundation for other Azure resources.
  • Tools & Services:
    • Terraform
    • Azure Provider for Terraform

Project 2: Virtual Machine Deployment

  • Requirement: Provision a simple Linux virtual machine (VM) within the previously created virtual network.
  • Summary: Demonstrates how to create a compute instance using Terraform, including VM size, OS image selection, and networking integration.
  • Tools & Services:
    • Terraform
    • Azure Provider for Terraform

Project 3: Azure Storage Account

  • Requirement: Create a general-purpose storage account in Azure.
  • Summary: Introduces managing storage resources with Terraform. You can explore options like storage type (blob, files, etc.) and redundancy levels.
  • Tools & Services:
    • Terraform
    • Azure Provider for Terraform

Project 4: Azure SQL Database

  • Requirement: Provision an Azure SQL Database instance with a basic configuration.
  • Summary: Focuses on creating a managed database service. Concepts like database server setup and firewall rules will be touched upon.
  • Tools & Services:
    • Terraform
    • Azure Provider for Terraform

Project 5: Azure App Service with Web App

  • Requirement: Create an Azure App Service plan and deploy a basic web application inside it.
  • Summary: Covers a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) scenario and might require a sample web application to be available for deployment.
  • Tools & Services:
    • Terraform
    • Azure Provider for Terraform
    • A simple web app (HTML, Node.js, Python, etc.)

Project 6: Resource Group Deployment with Tagging

  • Requirement: Create an Azure Resource Group and provision several unrelated resources within it (e.g., a VM, Storage Account, App Service). Apply consistent tagging across these resources.
  • Summary: Emphasizes project organization, resource grouping, and the importance of effective tagging strategies.
  • Tools & Services:
    • Terraform
    • Azure Provider for Terraform

Project 7: Deploying with Variables and Outputs

  • Requirement: Using any of the previous projects, introduce Terraform variables to make configuration elements more flexible (e.g., location, VM size). Demonstrate the use of Terraform outputs.
  • Summary: Introduces fundamental practices for parameterizing Terraform configurations and making your projects reusable.
  • Tools & Services:
    • Terraform
    • Azure Provider for Terraform

Terraform : 5 Mini Projects to get Hands-on

Kubernetes : 5 Mini Projects to start with

Hope you find this post helpful.




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