DevOps Quiz: Docker, Kubernetes & Terraform


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#1. Which Docker command would you use to view all running and stopped containers on a host?

Explanation: The -a flag shows all containers, including stopped ones.


#2. How can you reduce the size of a Docker image during the build process?

Explanation: Lightweight base images like alpine reduce the overall image size.


#3. You want to run a container in the background and expose a port. Which command should you use?

Explanation: The -d flag runs the container in detached mode, and -p maps ports.


#4. Which provider configuration syntax is correct in Terraform?

Explanation: Provider blocks define configurations for Terraform providers.


#5. Which backend is commonly used to store Terraform state in AWS?

Explanation: S3 is the most common backend for storing Terraform state files.


#6. What happens if a resource is removed from the Terraform configuration?

Explanation: Terraform manages the lifecycle of resources defined in its configuration.


#7. You need to securely inject sensitive data into a Kubernetes pod. What should you use?

Explanation: Secrets are used to manage sensitive data securely in Kubernetes.


#8. How can you ensure that a pod is scheduled on a specific node?

Explanation: All listed methods can influence pod scheduling on specific nodes.


#9. How do you define a reusable module in Terraform?

Explanation: Modules are created by grouping Terraform configuration files into directories.


#10. How would you prevent sensitive data from being logged in Terraform state files?

Explanation: Marking variables as sensitive ensures they are not logged in plaintext.


#11. What does the terraform refresh command do?

Explanation: terraform refresh syncs the state file with actual resource statuses.


#12. You encounter an issue where a container cannot connect to an external API. What should you check first?

Explanation: Networking issues, including DNS, often cause connectivity problems.


#13. You need to deploy an application with a dependency on a specific version of a library. How do you ensure the container uses the correct version?

Explanation: The FROM directive determines the base image version, ensuring consistency.


#14. What type of Kubernetes service is used to expose an application to the internet?

Explanation: A LoadBalancer service routes external traffic to the application.


#15. Which Kubernetes object should you use to maintain a specified number of pod replicas running?

Explanation: ReplicaSet ensures a specified number of pod replicas. Deployments use ReplicaSets under the hood.


#16. You encounter a lock error when running terraform apply. What might resolve it?

Explanation: Force-unlocking resolves lock contention issues in Terraform state files.


#17. Which command can you use to debug a running Kubernetes pod?

Explanation: Each command provides specific debugging information: logs for output, exec for shell access, and describe for configuration details.


#18. Which Terraform command is used to apply changes to infrastructure?

Explanation: terraform apply applies the planned changes to the infrastructure.


#19. What is the primary purpose of a Kubernetes Ingress?

Explanation: Ingress manages HTTP and HTTPS traffic routing to Kubernetes services.


#20. You notice a pod in the CrashLoopBackOff state. What should you check first?

Explanation: Pod logs often provide the root cause of the failure.


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