In this post, we will talk about 5 bite size projects using Prometheus and Grafana that tackle different monitoring scenarios:

Project 1: Kubernetes Cluster Monitoring

  • Requirement: Gain visibility into the health and performance of your Kubernetes cluster (pods, nodes, deployments, etc.).
  • Quick Summary: Set up Prometheus to pull metrics from the Kubernetes API and use pre-built or custom Grafana dashboards to visualize container resource usage, pod status, API request rates, and potential bottlenecks.
  • Tools/Services:
    • Prometheus
    • Grafana
    • Kubernetes API Server
    • kube-state-metrics (an exporter for Kubernetes metrics)

Project 2: Website Uptime and Performance Monitoring

  • Requirement: Track the availability and responsiveness of a website or web application.
  • Quick Summary: Use Prometheus’s Blackbox Exporter to perform synthetic checks (HTTP, DNS, TCP, ICMP) against your website. Visualize website health, response times, and error rates in Grafana.
  • Tools/Services:
    • Prometheus
    • Grafana
    • Prometheus Blackbox Exporter

Project 3: Database Health Check

  • Requirement: Monitor key metrics from your chosen database for potential issues.
  • Quick Summary: Deploy a database-specific Prometheus exporter for your database (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL). Using Grafana, display important metrics like connections, query performance, replication lag, and resource usage.
  • Tools/Services:
    • Prometheus
    • Grafana
    • Database Exporter (for your chosen database)

Project 4: IoT Sensor Monitoring

  • Requirement: Collect and visualize real-time data from various IoT sensors (temperature, humidity, etc.).
  • Quick Summary: Use Node-RED (or a similar tool) to collect data from sensors (either directly or via MQTT). Push the data to Prometheus via a gateway or middleware. Create Grafana dashboards for visualizing and analyzing sensor readings.
  • Tools/Services:
    • Prometheus
    • Grafana
    • IoT Sensors
    • Node-RED or similar for data collection
    • MQTT broker (optional, if using MQTT)

Project 5: Custom Application Monitoring

  • Requirement: Monitor internal metrics from your own custom application or service.
  • Quick Summary: Using a Prometheus client library, instrument your code to expose meaningful metrics in Prometheus format. Set up Prometheus to scrape this endpoint and design Grafana dashboards to view and track your application’s performance.
  • Tools/Services:
    • Prometheus
    • Grafana
    • Prometheus client library (for your application’s language)

Terraform : 5 Mini Projects to get Hands-on

Kubernetes : 5 Mini Projects to start with

Hope you find this post helpful.




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