AWS Services

AWS equivalents to consider within the IaaS context:

  • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): The core virtual machine service for scalable compute power.
  • Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Highly scalable, durable object storage.
  • Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store): Block-level storage volumes to attach to EC2 instances.
  • Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud): Provides isolated, software-defined networking environments.

Deployment Options

  • AWS Management Console: The web-based user interface for interacting with AWS.
  • AWS CLI (Command Line Interface): Powerful command-line tools to control AWS services.
  • AWS SDKs: Software Development Kits providing APIs to integrate AWS into your applications (available for various programming languages).
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tools: Such as Terraform, CloudFormation, enabling declarative infrastructure management.

Feature Differences (vs. Other Cloud IaaS Options)

  • Breadth of services: AWS offers one of the widest varieties of building blocks across compute, storage, networking, databases, and many other categories.
  • Global reach: AWS’s extensive global infrastructure translates to a large selection of regions and availability zones.
  • Maturity: AWS has a long track record in cloud computing, driving feature innovation and a focus on reliability.

Hardware Types (EC2)

AWS provides a vast array of EC2 instance types tailored to various workloads:

  • General Purpose: (e.g., M-series, T-series) balance compute, memory, and network.
  • Compute Optimized: (e.g., C-series) for processing-intensive workloads.
  • Memory Optimized: (e.g., R-series) for large database loads or in-memory processing.
  • Storage Optimized: (e.g., I-series, D-series) for workloads with high disk I/O requirements.

Purchasing Tiers (EC2)

  • On-Demand Instances: Flexible, pay-by-the-hour usage with no commitments.
  • Reserved Instances: Commitment to usage (1 or 3 years) in exchange for significant discounts.
  • Spot Instances: Access to unused EC2 capacity at heavily discounted, variable prices.

Service Tiers

AWS often offers various tiers within a service with differing features/pricing :

  • S3 Storage Classes: e.g., Standard, Standard-IA (Infrequent Access), One Zone-IA, Glacier for varying archival needs.
  • EBS Volume Types: e.g., General Purpose SSD, Provisioned IOPS SSD, Throughput Optimized HDD.


AWS infrastructure is designed for massive scalability, however, individual services may have limits per account/region. Plan accordingly and make use of support resources to understand limits.

Client Tools

  • AWS Management Console
  • AWS CLI (Command-line Interface)
  • Third-party tools integrating with AWS APIs

Cost Optimizations

  • Right-sizing Instances: Match EC2 instance types and sizes to workload requirements.
  • Leverage Reserved Instances.
  • Utilize Spot Instances where possible.
  • Storage Tiering: Use appropriate S3 classes based on data access patterns.
  • Monitor Usage: Use AWS tools like Cost Explorer to identify and address spend.

Hope you find this post helpful.




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