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Today’s session is about understanding DevOps and its principles:

  • This session will help you simplify and define DevOps.
  • You will learn about the DevOps life cycle and key principles.
  • You will also understand how DevOps teams make decisions to solve customer problems.

DevOps is a set of tools and practices that help with software development life cycle.:

  • DevOps consists of collaboration, communication, continuous integration, automation, and adapting new culture.
  • Web of Streams is a decision-making cycle that improves the speed and agility of development.

The decision-making cycle consists of analyzing information, identifying key problems, making decisions, implementing them, and monitoring the results.:

  • DevOps life cycle consists of several phases including planning, coding, building, and testing.
  • Each phase in the DevOps life cycle contributes towards seamless software delivery.

DevOps life cycle stages and key principles:

  • DevOps life cycle stages include release, deploy, operate, and monitor
  • The key principles of DevOps are automation, efficiency, agility, and quality

Shorten the software life cycle through automation, continuous delivery, feedback loops, and infrastructure as a code.:

  • Automation helps in automating repetitive tasks.
  • Continuous delivery allows for quick and frequent software updates.
  • Feedback loops enable teams to continuously refine their processes.
  • Infrastructure as a code ensures consistency and reduces human errors.

Shared responsibility is a key principle of DevOps:

  • DeVos emphasizes collaboration and accountability.
  • Benefits of DeVos include faster deployment, improved quality, and enhanced collaboration.

DevOps benefits include rapid problem resolution and scalability.:

  • Rapid problem resolution is achieved by having an environment where everyone collaborates and shares information.
  • Scalability is provided by cloud computing, with infrastructure provided as per demand.

DevOps and cloud computing are essential for delivering products quickly, meeting customer needs, and improving website stability:

  • Companies like Target have adopted DevOps practices to improve website stability and achieve faster delivery times and better efficiency
  • Many organizations are using Java and it’s a great time to learn about DevOps and cloud computing fundamentals

If you found this guide helpful, please like and Share. I’ll see you in the next post.  

Don’t forget to connect with me on below platforms (Youtube & Telegram) for more “To The Point” Learning.

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