Let’s talk about scripting with Golang. While Go might not be the first choice that springs to mind for scripting (compared to Python or Bash), it offers some unique advantages and can be a great way to automate tasks.
Why Script with Go?
- Performance: Go compiles to native machine code. Your scripts will tend to be significantly faster than their interpreted counterparts. –
- Ease of Deployment: Go’s ability to create self-contained binaries means your scripts can be easily distributed across environments without worrying too much about dependencies.
- Concurrency: Go shines with concurrency. If your scripts involve parallel tasks or network operations, its goroutines will make your life easier.
- Growing Ecosystem: Increasingly, people are seeing the value of Go scripting, and the ecosystem of tools is improving.
How to Learn Scripting in Golang?
- Go Tour: Start with the official interactive “A Tour of Go” (https://go.dev/tour/welcome/1) to grasp the essentials.
- Effective Go: (https://go.dev/doc/effective_go…) Study this for best practices and Go’s idiomatic style.
Useful Libraries
- Cobra: (https://github.com/spf13/cobra) A popular library for building full-featured command-line applications and scripts.
- Bubbles: (https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbles…) Lets you create interactive, text-based user interfaces for your scripts.
- The official Go website has fantastic documentation and guides.(https://go.dev)
- Go by Example: (https://gobyexample.com) Short and sweet examples covering various Go concepts.
Golang Tutorial for Beginners | Full Go Course (YouTube): By TechWorld with Nana
- https://youtube.com/watch?v=yyUHQIec83I… An extensive video tutorial if you prefer a visual approach.
Story (Writing Scripts with Go):
- Provides additional insights on using Go for scripting (https://gist.github.com/posener/73ffd326d88483df6b1cb66e8ed1e0bd…)
Hope you find this post helpful.
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