Welcome to your AWS DevOps Challenge - 1

Which AWS service is used for storing and retrieving files from the cloud?

What is the primary benefit of using AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

What is AWS CodePipeline used for?

What is the purpose of AWS CloudWatch Logs?

Which AWS service is used for relational database management?

Which AWS service is used for automating server configuration management?

Which AWS service is used for monitoring and collecting log data from AWS resources?

What is AWS CodePipeline used for?

What is AWS Lambda used for?

Which AWS service is used for monitoring and collecting log data from AWS resources?

What is the purpose of AWS CloudFormation?

What is the primary benefit of using AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

What is AWS Lambda used for?

Which AWS service is used for relational database management?

Which AWS service is used for automated code deployments?

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