DevOps Lifecycle Simplified

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This phase includes: – Collaboration and communication between development and operations teams – Defining the project's goals and objectives – Identifying potential risks and challenges

1. Planning

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2. Coding

This phase includes: – Writing and testing code – Fixing bugs – Following best practices for code quality, testing, and version control

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3. Testing

This phase includes: - Functional and non-functional testing - Identifying and fixing issues - Improving the software delivery process

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4. Deployment

This phase includes: - Deploying the software to a production environment - Monitoring the software's performance - Troubleshooting issues - Working on bug fixes and updates

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5. Monitoring & Maintenance

This phase includes: - Monitoring the software's performance - Addressing any issues that arise - Making updates and improvements as needed - Implementing new processes and tools to improve the software delivery process

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Learn about DevOps Lifecyle in Details
